Recreational Gymnastics Programs

We offer a wide range of Calgary recreational gymnastics programs: Preschool, Kinder-gym (ages 4-5), CANGYM (ages 6+), Parkour, and Acrobatic programs in all our sessions. Our goal with the Recreation Program is to provide a fun and safe environment for children to learn the basics of gymnastics. Athletes will work on skills that focus on fitness, coordination, and teamwork that will help them excel in gymnastics or any other sport.

  • Preschool Programs   Ages 2-3
    Preschool classes are 45 minutes in duration and run one day per week. Your child will build confidence coordination, flexibility, and teamwork which will be transferable to any sport. This is a semi-parented class for preschoolers entering the separation phase. One parent MUST remain in the building for the duration of the class and assist your child when asked by the coach.
  • Kindergym Programs   Ages 4-5
    Kindergym classes run one day a week for 1 hour each class. In this unparented program, children will be introduced to a variety of gymnastics equipment and skills that focus on developing balance, coordination, and other basic movements that will be transferable to any sport. Your athlete will gain confidence knowing what their bodies can do!

    Children receive a certificate and a ribbon upon completion of the levels within the class.
  • Cangym Programs   Ages 6+
    The CANGYM recreational program is designed for participants of different abilities, aged 6 and older. The program is based on Gymnastics Canada’s three philosophical pillars for all recreational programs: FUN, FITNESS, and FUNDAMENTALS.

    By incorporating these three components into each lesson, we create a friendly, stimulating, and healthy environment for all our gymnasts.
  • Acrobatic Gymnastics   Ages 6+
    Glenmore’s recreational acrobatics program will teach your young athlete how to combine strength, balance, flexibility, and tumbling to perform skills that showcase all four. Using minimal equipment, athletes will learn these skills as singles and pairs while they gain confidence in what they can achieve with those skills.
  • Parkour Classes   Ages 6-16
    Looking to learn parkour skills from qualified instructors in a safe and fun environment? Check out Glenmore’s parkour program and sign up for one of our classes today!
  • Homeschool Classes   Ages 6-16
    Looking for a physical education component for your homeshcool student? Glenmore now offers homeschool gymnastics programs designed on the Cangym model that will get your student out and active.
  • Adaptive Gymnastics Programs   All ages
    Adaptive gymnastics programming is now available at Glenmore! We are currently offering custom-designed programs for special needs groups and would love to chat with you about how we can design a program for you.


You may register for a recreational gymnastics programs or class at any point of the year and pay on a monthly basis. We hope that this increased flexibility in programming will allow you to tailor your recreational gymnastics experience to fit both your time and budget.

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